
Take advantage of all local attractions in the area

Weardale is a beautiful area, which is beginning to grow in popularity as a tourist destination. Morningside offers guests the opportunity to enjoy a rural retreat in contemporary surroundings of a high standard. For long or short stays relax and enjoy the history of Weardale and sample what the North East has to offer.

The Velvet Path The Velvet Path

For serious walkers the 73-mile Weardale Way follows the course of the river from Monkwearmouth to Wearhead, but pick any charming Weardale village and you'll find the start of at least one circular leisure walk, each no more than two hours duration.

Or call at the Tourist Information Centre in Stanhope and choose one of the slightly more demanding Weardale Walks which are also circular but are of an 8-10 mile distance.

Cycling too is popular in the Dale, the quiet near-deserted roads providing ideal cycling conditions and linking with the C2C long distance cycle route.